Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego has been serving the community for more than 95 years! It was first established in 1919 and because of its downtown location, a large proportion of those served by the food pantry are single-person households, homeless individuals, and seniors; but they welcome anyone who needs help putting food on the table.Their unique and innovative food pantry services include a choice menu system and an “intake system” that calculates the caloric intake for each household, so every food selection is tailored to the client’s nutritional needs. The food pantry’s staff pre-screens clients for CalFresh eligibility and provide application assistance for those who qualify.Catholic Charities – Downtown is planning to expand their current services within the next three to five years that will include:- improving upon their healthy inventory- making fresh produce available five days a week instead of just three days a week- providing more nutrition education- eliminating food items with a high sugar content including candyLisa DuMolt, Food Resource Centers Operations Manager, spent 26 years in the military working with logistics and chemical weapons and now manages food center operations.”This is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever had. It is nice to be able to provide a service that people appreciate so much, and I have met the most extraordinary people. From volunteers to the people we serve I have never met more courageous, intelligent, people with such a sense of humor. Their stories of personal courage are incredible to be a part of,” said DuMolt.Catholic Charities- Downtown was selected as June’s Nonprofit Partner of the Month, because their reports are always on time and their staff is very good at communicating any anticipated changes to their monthly allocations with the Food Bank staff. This food pantry is open five days a week. Catholic Charities is a part of an innovative group of downtown agencies, who coordinate food services to ensure that people who need food in that area have excess every, single day.Agency ProfileAgency Name: Catholic Charities Diocese of San Phone Number for People Seeking Services: (619) 231-2828 x102Emergency Food Assistance Program Location: 359 Cedar Street San Diego, CA 92101Emergency Food Assistance Program Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – noon & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.*Amount of Emergency Food Assistance Program Food Distributed in the Last Year Totaled: 210,518 pounds (equivalent to 164,467 meals) for people facing hunger in our community *Please note: There is a sign-up for intake times at 8:00 a.m. and noon, which allows people the flexibility to set an appointment and leave to run errands. Space is limited to 40 households each.